by Susan Denisi | Jan 1, 2023 | Blown Out, Burner, Dayton, Extinguished, Five Star, Flame, Flashlight, Gone Out, How To, Lighter, Ohio, Pilot, Pilot Light, Relight, Water Heater
Has your shower been relentlessly cold lately? If so, the chances that your water heater is the culprit are highly likely. Furthermore, if it’s a gas water heater, an extinguished pilot light is the most probable reason behind no warm running water. So, alas, here you...
by Becca Agunga | Jun 3, 2022 | Dayton, Emergency Plumber, Hard Water, How To, Ohio, Plumbing, Plumbing Services
Water is something that we use every day. As long as the faucet is on and the water is running, we are good, right? But unfortunately, that is not always the case, and you may have issues with your water that pop up in different ways, like hard water. If you’re...
by Becca Agunga | Apr 8, 2022 | Dayton, Drain, How To, Ohio, Pipes, Plumbing, Sump Pump, Tips & Tricks, Water Heater
Spring has finally arrived, so it’s time to start that spring cleaning checklist. But, as you’re working your way through that list, don’t forget to clean your residential plumbing and prepare it for the spring and summer seasons. Believe it or not,...